(03) 7068 5848

New Homes

You can create your dream home with architecturally inspired designs and custom selections. With our team, you can relax and enjoy all the stages of the project, from site assessment and council approvals to design and demolition, so you can put your mind at ease.

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New Homes

We pride ourselves on our experience and superior customer service. We understand the importance of keeping up with the latest trends and designs, and are dedicated to providing our clientele with a sleek living solution.

New Homes, For All Purposes

All Kode Living projects–be they owner-occupied or investment properties–are held to a standard of excellence where both your needs and budget are duly considered.

Choose Out Of The Book Or Create Something Of Your Own

Kode Living offers all clientele the choice of selecting from our range of pre-existing, contemporary designs, or to work with our talented design team to sculpt your dream home.

We prioritise flexibility when it comes to customisation and won’t settle for anything other than your satisfaction. With vast options and styles for single storey, double storey and luxury home designs, the choice is quite literally yours.

Bring your dream home to life with us

Enquire Now

Please get in touch with our friendly team so that we can find out how we can build your future, your foundation, your home.

House & Land | Knockdown Rebuild | Dual Occupancy
Custom Homes | Multi Unit | NDIS Homes

House & Land

  • Norwood Avenue, Melton South VIC 3338

    Lot 806

    Lot Size 12.5 x 32m = 400㎡
    4 2 2 1
    Price: $684,149
  • Trudeau Rd, Melton South VIC 3338

    Lot 829

    Lot Size 14 x 32m = 448㎡
    4 2 2 1
    Price: $665,604
  • Louvre Road, Bonnie Brook VIC 3335

    Lot 1650

    Lot Size 8.5 x 21m = 179㎡
    3 2 1 1
    Price: $540,168