(03) 7068 5848

Welcome to Kode Living

We specialise in providing planning, design, conveyancing, insurance and finance through one central business.


Need help finding the right home for you?

Organise an appointment with one of our Kode Living consultants today.

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  • An affordable, superior build. It’s all yours.

    If you’re building your first home, interested in house and land packages for your family, downsizing or looking to develop an investment property, Kode Living offers small lot turnkey home designs from $216,500 (FHB).

  • Wanting to start a new, or knockdown and rebuild?

    Our range of display homes and floorplans can help provide clarity for your new home or knockdown rebuild throughout Greater Melbourne.

  • Our Services

    We offer a unique build experience that is based on vast knowledge and skill in the construction and development industry. With a customised experience, Kodeliving can help you build the home of your dreams.

Bring your dream home to life with us.

You can create your dream home with architecturally inspired designs and custom selections. With our team, you can relax and enjoy all the stages of the project, from site assessment and council approvals to design and demolition, so you can put your mind at ease.

House & Land

  • Luck Street, Sebastopol VIC 3356

    Lot 113

    Lot Size 8.5 x 22m = 187m2㎡
    3 2 1 1
    Price: $434,780
  • Louvre Road, Bonnie Brook VIC 3335

    Lot 1650

    Lot Size 8.5 x 21m = 178m2㎡
    3 2 1 1
    Price: $550,211
  • Emilia Circuit, Fraser Rise VIC 3336

    Lot 219

    Lot Size 12.5 x 32m = 400㎡
    4 2 2 1
    Price: $799,950

Kode Living gave us the flexibility to make changes, and the whole process went smoothly.

Lana Rickets


Enquire Now

Please get in touch with our friendly team so that we can find out how we can build your future, your foundation, your home.

House & Land | Knockdown Rebuild | Dual Occupancy
Custom Homes | Multi Unit | NDIS Homes